On this day :
1952 Elizabeth becomes queen, 1778 FrancoAmerican alliances signed, 2009 Honda Insight debuts as Prius competitor, 1865 John Pegram killed, 1985 The Reagan Doctrine is announced, 1998 Infamous school teacher goes back to prison, 1958 Man United players among victims of plane crash, 1820 Freed US slaves depart on journey to Africa, 1928 Anastasia arrives in the United States, 1911 Ronald Reagan born, 1937 Of Mice and Men is published, 1998 Austrian superstar Falco dies, 1891 Dalton Gang commits its first train robbery, 1911 Ronald Reagan is born, 1993 Tennis great Arthur Ashe dies of AIDS, 1966 Johnson meets with South Vietnamese Premier, 1973 ICCS take up positions, 1917 German sub sinks US passenger ship California, 1943 Mussolini fires his soninlaw,


Horror Stories

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Hello friends. Today I am in the mood to tell you all some stories. The stories are a little scary. So beware! And I hope you like them.

So let's begin...

It was 8 0'clock in the night. I was studying in my room. My mother called me downstairs. I went downstairs. I saw my mother sitting on the sofa reading some book. As I started walking towards the sofa, suddenly my mother's voice came from her room upstairs, ''Son, do not go downstairs. Even I heard that ....."


I am Shreesh. I always used to make fun of ghost stories before this experience. I had been to my uncle's place during my ten days vacation. I was playing cricket with the neighbourhood boys.        

Suddenly an elderly looking lady, in a blue top and jeans, passed by my side looking at me. After every three steps she would turn and look at me. Then she turned and started walking towards me. Feeling scared, I started to walk away from there. She started coming closer and closer. Suddenly she stood in front of me.

At that moment a nearby dog started barking. I turned around to see what happened. The dog stopped barking. So I turned my head to look and the lady was not there anymore......



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