On this day :
1974 House begins impeachment of Nixon, 1776 Silas Deane writes Congress of success, 1990 Last Citroen 2CV rolls off the line in Portugal, 1863 Ardent secessionist William Lowndes Yancey dies, 1953 Armistice ends the Korean War, 1981 Adam Walsh is abducted, 2002 Fighter jet crashes into crowd at air show, 1794 Robespierre overthrown in France, 1921 Insulin isolated in Toronto, 1949 First jet makes test flight, 1980 Ousted shah of Iran dies in exile, 1996 Bombing at Centennial Olympic Park, 2003 Bob Hope dies at 100, 1916 Elizabeth Hardwick is born, 1991 Natalie Coles Unforgettable With Love goes to 1, 1806 Meriwether Lewis shoots Blackfoot Indian, 1974 Nixon charged with first of three articles of impeachment, 1993 Reggie Lewis dies, 1964 Pentagon announces 5000 more troops to Vietnam, 1965 US jets attack new North Vietnamese air defense sites, 1916 Germans execute British seaman Captain Charles Fryatt, 1943 Stalin issues Order No 227outlawing cowards,


The Gift

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I walked home tired and hungry from school but as I unlocked the door of my house, these feelings were momentarily replaced by intrigue. There was something hidden behind the sofa. The intrigue soon left me and hunger returned. I heated up the food mother had left for me and sat at the table, eating alone. Nobody was here but me.

As I ate, I thought about my recently concluded final examinations. They had not gone well for me. The papers were being returned to the students and I had seen most of time. To say the least, I had passed in all the exams. Eighth standard was proving to be quite a challenge. These days, I had been telling my mother that the exam papers are yet to be returned, and the ones which I had were safely hidden at the back of my closet.

When the meal had taken my hunger away, the intrigue returned. That box, hidden behind the sofa, was clearly visible to me from my position. That was not good for the proverbial cat. I tried to hold on to it, but no, the cat ran towards the box and as in the proverb curiosity killed it. I pulled the box out and observed it. I think the blood drained from my face.

It was a brand new Nintendo Wii U. the one thing I had been asking for the past two years and I never got. Normally, I would have been ecstatic, jumping for joy and wanting to play it that very instant. Not this time, though. The words of my mother menaced me, “If you do good at the final exam, I will get you a Wii U.”

She had already bought it without asking, but I had a horrible performance. How could I tell her? How could I say, “Mom, I performed badly, so I do not deserve a Wii U.”?

It was horrible. I felt tears coming up. She had so much faith in me and I had broken that faith. What will I do at the Open House?

Just then the door opened and my mom stepped in.

“Oh, you already saw it?”

“Yes, Mom.” I said sulkingly.

“Why so sad?”

“Mom, I can’t have it.”

She displayed a surprised look.

“Who said it’s for you?”


“The delivery man gave it to us instead of the neighbours. I collected it since they’re out of town.”

“Oh, okay; for a moment I thought … “

“Wait. Why did you say you can’t have it?”

“Because … “                                           

Let’s just say I got a heavy scolding, but I was still somewhat happy and hopeful for the future.

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