On this day :
1974 House begins impeachment of Nixon, 1776 Silas Deane writes Congress of success, 1990 Last Citroen 2CV rolls off the line in Portugal, 1863 Ardent secessionist William Lowndes Yancey dies, 1953 Armistice ends the Korean War, 1981 Adam Walsh is abducted, 2002 Fighter jet crashes into crowd at air show, 1794 Robespierre overthrown in France, 1921 Insulin isolated in Toronto, 1949 First jet makes test flight, 1980 Ousted shah of Iran dies in exile, 1996 Bombing at Centennial Olympic Park, 2003 Bob Hope dies at 100, 1916 Elizabeth Hardwick is born, 1991 Natalie Coles Unforgettable With Love goes to 1, 1806 Meriwether Lewis shoots Blackfoot Indian, 1974 Nixon charged with first of three articles of impeachment, 1993 Reggie Lewis dies, 1964 Pentagon announces 5000 more troops to Vietnam, 1965 US jets attack new North Vietnamese air defense sites, 1916 Germans execute British seaman Captain Charles Fryatt, 1943 Stalin issues Order No 227outlawing cowards,



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Once upon a time there was a poor boy in a poor house. His name was Tom. His mother and father had died. But yet he was alive. He slept in his poor room and thought that he could be free of all worries by listening to the songs of the birds.

One day he decided to go to the Guardian Frost forest. But he had heard some people say that there is a monster with white eyes, long hands and long legs in the forest. But he didn't want to believe in this nonsense. He told to himself, "Tommrow I have to go to the forest".

Next day morning he went on his journey to the forest. He was passing by the rocky mountains when he saw a furious bull watching him like an angry creature. Tom was afraid of the bull and so he tip-toed along the path. Even then the bull ran after him. Tom tried fooling the bull by talking to it but the bull would not stop. So Tom tried to run as fast as he could. Suddenly he fell in a hole. He tumbled down and reached to a very dark forest. He tried looking around but could not see anything because of the darkness. Suddenly he saw a glare of light. At that moment itself some one held his hand punched him. Tom fell down and was unconscious.

When he opened his eyes he saw his father and his mother wearing torn clothes standing in front of him. Tears rolled down Tom's cheeks. His father said 'We are old and sick. Let us die. You have a long life to lead. Do not waste your life. Take care of yourself and be a good boy. We both love you". Before Tom could say anything they both disappeared.

Tom looked around. He saw a small opening with light outside. He walked towards it and it led him to his house. He was glad that he could meet his parents. He promised himself that he would always heed by the words of advice that his father had given him and lead a good life so that his parents could be proud of him.

Tom did not see his parents ever again.

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