On this day :
1974 House begins impeachment of Nixon, 1776 Silas Deane writes Congress of success, 1990 Last Citroen 2CV rolls off the line in Portugal, 1863 Ardent secessionist William Lowndes Yancey dies, 1953 Armistice ends the Korean War, 1981 Adam Walsh is abducted, 2002 Fighter jet crashes into crowd at air show, 1794 Robespierre overthrown in France, 1921 Insulin isolated in Toronto, 1949 First jet makes test flight, 1980 Ousted shah of Iran dies in exile, 1996 Bombing at Centennial Olympic Park, 2003 Bob Hope dies at 100, 1916 Elizabeth Hardwick is born, 1991 Natalie Coles Unforgettable With Love goes to 1, 1806 Meriwether Lewis shoots Blackfoot Indian, 1974 Nixon charged with first of three articles of impeachment, 1993 Reggie Lewis dies, 1964 Pentagon announces 5000 more troops to Vietnam, 1965 US jets attack new North Vietnamese air defense sites, 1916 Germans execute British seaman Captain Charles Fryatt, 1943 Stalin issues Order No 227outlawing cowards,


The Funny Island: Part 2

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As Harsh had announced that the next big funny session will be on Holi, the people waited in excitment. One day Harsh came and announced,"I had noticed last Diwali that some people were sad as they couldn't attend the funny show because they were enjoying Diwali by playing cards, eating sweets and bursting crackers. So this time my funny show will be two days before Holi so that people can enjoy my show while also enjoying Holi. Two and not one day because people need time to make sweets and who would love if there are no sweets to eat on a festival like Holi." People agreed to him and thanked him for his concern. People got happier as the show was now nearer.

Again as in the first part, I will not tell you all the jokes which were around thirty, but, I will tell you the funniest ones. So here are the funniest ten jokes of that show:-

First Joke - Which animals can jump higher than the Eiffel Tower?

Answer - All animals can, as the Eiffel Tower cannot jump.

Second Joke - What do you call bears without 'ears'?

Answer - 'B'

Third Joke - Why re cemeteries popular?

Answer - Because people are dying to get in.

Fourth Joke - Why can't a ladybird ever hide?

Answer - Because it is always spotted.

Fifth Joke - What gets lost every time you stand up?

Answer - Your lap.

Sixth Joke - Where do you find the most fish?

Answer - Between the head and the tail.

Seven Point First Joke - What do you call an angery pea?

Answer - Grum-pea

Seven Point Second Joke - What do you call a smiling pea?

Answer - Hap-pea

Seven Point Third Joke - What do you call a pea that bites?

Answer - Nap-pea

Seven Point Fourth Joke - What do you call a nervous pea?

Answer - Jump-pea

Seven Point Fifth Joke - What do you call an exhausted pea?

Answer - Sleep-pea

Seven Point Sixth Joke - What's a pea's favourite sport?

Answer - Fris-pea

Seven Point Seventh Joke - What do you call a pea with mud on it?

Answer - Swamp-pea

Eighth Joke - Where do you study about dancing?

Answer - A disco-tech

Nineth Joke - What's Santa Claus's wife called?

Answer -  Mary Christmas

Tenth Joke - Where do you find a musical cat?

Answer - Sing-a-paw

 At the end of the show Harsh announced that there might be more shows coming but this may end soon as he was running out of jokes. This did make people sad but they understood the problem. Some asked him,"What would you do when you are left with no more jokes?" Harsh answered,"I will do some other job to earn money and make you happy."

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