On this day :
1974 House begins impeachment of Nixon, 1776 Silas Deane writes Congress of success, 1990 Last Citroen 2CV rolls off the line in Portugal, 1863 Ardent secessionist William Lowndes Yancey dies, 1953 Armistice ends the Korean War, 1981 Adam Walsh is abducted, 2002 Fighter jet crashes into crowd at air show, 1794 Robespierre overthrown in France, 1921 Insulin isolated in Toronto, 1949 First jet makes test flight, 1980 Ousted shah of Iran dies in exile, 1996 Bombing at Centennial Olympic Park, 2003 Bob Hope dies at 100, 1916 Elizabeth Hardwick is born, 1991 Natalie Coles Unforgettable With Love goes to 1, 1806 Meriwether Lewis shoots Blackfoot Indian, 1974 Nixon charged with first of three articles of impeachment, 1993 Reggie Lewis dies, 1964 Pentagon announces 5000 more troops to Vietnam, 1965 US jets attack new North Vietnamese air defense sites, 1916 Germans execute British seaman Captain Charles Fryatt, 1943 Stalin issues Order No 227outlawing cowards,


Santa Claus

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   Santa Claus! This name is very famous in the whole world. Many say he is real and many say he dosen't exist. Let's discus about this topic that whether he exists or not.

   If you think logically, Santa cannot give gifts to as many as millions of families. But again think logically, if you make any wish list on a piece of paper and keep it anywhere near the christmas tree on 24th December night, don't you think it would be hard for your parents to buy gifts on that day at night? Yes, they can if they had already seen your wish list many days ago. Well, you can say that Santa has some super natural powers. Now let me tell you what I had experienced two years ago.

   Two years ago, 24th December 2013, I suddenly woke up at mid-night. I didn't literally get out of my bed, instead I was trying to sleep again. Then suddenly a sound came like somebody was walking in the hall. I thought it was Santa so I went back to sleep quickly as I wanted gifts from him. I thought if I sneaked to see him, he could see me and run away. The sound could be of my father or mother. Sometimes they feel thirsty and the water jug is in the hall. This really doesn't prove anything but read on to know what happened a year ago.

   Ok, this can prove a little bit that he exists. One year ago, I used my brain. I wished for gifts that would be hard for my parents to buy as they will be rare in India. And I got those gifts! I mean there was one wish that was related to a software and my parents didn't know much about it. And then I got one letter from Santa. The handwriting was not of my parents at all!

   Whatever you all think I don't care. I just believe that Santa Claus exists. And one more thing I have to say that even if I remain awake the whole night and find that Santa didn't come, don't think he doesn't exist. Actually he doesn't come because you are awake. Nodody should be awake and only then Santa will come.

A Super Cool Merry Christmas to all of you!!!

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