On this day :
1959 Guggenheim Museum opens in New York City, 1779 Henry Laurens named minister to Holland, 1929 Henry Ford dedicates the Thomas Edison Institute, 1861 Battle of Balls Bluff, 1967 Thousands protest the war in Vietnam, 1910 A bomb explodes in the Los Angeles Times building, 2014 Olympian Oscar Pistorius gets 5 years in prison for girlfriends death, 1966 Mudslide buries school in Wales, 1797 USS Constitution launched, 1805 Battle of Trafalgar, 1959 Von Braun moves to NASA, 1988 Mystic Pizza with Julia Roberts opens, 1772 Samuel Taylor Coleridge is born, 1917 Dizzy Gillespie is born, 1867 Plains Indians sign key provisions of the Medicine Lodge Treaty in Kansas, 1921 Harding publicly condemns lynching, 1975 Fisk homers off foul pole, 1967 100000 people march on the Pentagon, 1918 Germany ceases unrestricted submarine warfare, 1941 Germans massacre men women and children in Yugoslavia,


Assassin's Plot

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Christopher felt uneasy. Not a breath of wind was stirring, yet every tree in the park seemed to rustle. At the age of 16, he was a paid assassin by profession. He worked for a clandestine society known only as "RENOVAMEN". This society was responsible for a series of random bloodbaths around the world. Christopher sat disguised in one of the maple trees native to the city of Boston where he was about to unleash hell. Christopher always felt a sting of guilt after carrying out a job, he always thought he should have chosen a different trade to earn a living but now was not the time to think about all this. The man who he had been paid $10 million to kill had just walked out of the front doors of Four Seasons Hotel. His name was Vladimir Petrov and he was the Russian President.

It was now or never. The President would take about fifteen steps towards his Eagle Helicopter. In that time Christopher would have to make his move and kill Vladimir. His Hecklr and Koch MP 443X sniper lay on its tripod as if waiting for Chris to press its trigger. Once Chris pulls the trigger,a bullet would whizz past him at 32 m/s and hit the President in the chest. Unfortunately, that's exactly what happened.

When the speeding bullet hit the President's Armani suit, he did not realize anything. It was only when blood erupted all over his body that the most powerful man in the world realized that he had just been shot. "Find Him!" were the last words spoken by the President to the six FBI agents that formed his entourage before he let God take control over his body. 

Three agents stayed behind with the President and the rest initiated a search within a 5 mile radius. The command was clear, "This is James, the Russian President has been shot, I repeat, Russian President has been shot. I want a level 9 manhunt now and close all possible exit routes in the city."

It had went exactly as planned. Christopher still in the the oak tree changed into his FBI fatigues. He dismantled his gun and placed it in the bark of the oak tree. Since it was a moment of chaos and emergency, no one bothered checking badges or ID cards.

He realized that he had the liberty to leave the hotel. As he left the famous steel doors of the Four Seasons, an army of SWAT soldiers and FBI officers surrounded him and pointed an assortment of equally powerful weapons towards him. He was forced to get down on his knees and put his hands behind his head.

"That's right" said one of the senior looking agents. "We knew you were coming" Do you think we are stupid to be paid $10000 a month for eating donuts". "We had every single nook and corner of this hotel under constant surveillance during the duration of the President's stay". The President was aware of this and we made him wear a protective suit and bullet proof vest with an ink cartridge just in case, but why bother telling you all this, you are going to jail anyways."

It was now Christopher's turn to speak,"Well that's what you have got wrong, I work for the world's most powerful organization, for me, evading the law is as easy as firing a bullet at your head."  He looked at his watch and said, "Oh, it's time, enjoy the fireworks." As he said that, he detonated fifty grenades in and around the hotel killing everyone in sight including himself.  He was truly the greatest assassin of all time.

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