On this day :
1974 House begins impeachment of Nixon, 1776 Silas Deane writes Congress of success, 1990 Last Citroen 2CV rolls off the line in Portugal, 1863 Ardent secessionist William Lowndes Yancey dies, 1953 Armistice ends the Korean War, 1981 Adam Walsh is abducted, 2002 Fighter jet crashes into crowd at air show, 1794 Robespierre overthrown in France, 1921 Insulin isolated in Toronto, 1949 First jet makes test flight, 1980 Ousted shah of Iran dies in exile, 1996 Bombing at Centennial Olympic Park, 2003 Bob Hope dies at 100, 1916 Elizabeth Hardwick is born, 1991 Natalie Coles Unforgettable With Love goes to 1, 1806 Meriwether Lewis shoots Blackfoot Indian, 1974 Nixon charged with first of three articles of impeachment, 1993 Reggie Lewis dies, 1964 Pentagon announces 5000 more troops to Vietnam, 1965 US jets attack new North Vietnamese air defense sites, 1916 Germans execute British seaman Captain Charles Fryatt, 1943 Stalin issues Order No 227outlawing cowards,


The Magic Show

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The magician bowed to the audience,

And showed them a story book,

“This is a book called Rapunzel,” he said,

“Now carefully, take a look.”


He slowly flipped open the book

And turned all the pages,

Soon, he got bored turning the pages,

And stopped when Rapunzel was in the tower for ages.


He then shut the book and waved his wand

And opened the book once more,

Now out bounded a brown cat,

And tripped on the floor.


Tossing the book, he took some cardboard,

A wave of his wand made it a toy house,

It was very nice especially the door,

Which was opened by a black mouse.


The cat immediately chased the mouse

The magician waved his wand and-

Both of them disappeared into the air

No! Not the air. They appeared on a stand.


The magician tried tricks to stop them

Soon he got really fed up,

Then, he turned the book into a butterfly,

Which the cat went to catch in a jump.


The relieved mouse went back to his house,

The butterfly dodged the cat,

And the cat who was really tired

Went to rest on a mat.


The magician magicked up an elephant

Who grabbed him in his trunk,

Threw him and caught him,

And far away, he was flung.


He landed on the cat on the mat,

Who hit him with her paws,

And hissed at him for disturbing her

And scratched him with her claws.


He rushed to the elephant

And to and fro waved his wand

The elephant disappeared just then

The magician was bored. He yawned.


Another wave of his wand and

There appeared a soft bed

“Now I shall rest,”

Happily the man said.


He laid down on the bed

And pretended to be asleep

But was he doing a secret trick?

For out of his hat, did a rabbit creep.


The magician woke up and waved his wand

The rabbits began to fly

The audience shouted ‘Bravo!’

Fellow magicians began to sigh.


The applause was deafening

The magician bowed

And then he disappeared

The crowd cheered out loud


Suddenly appeared on the stage

In the air a wand from nowhere

A few sparkles and a –

Huge magician appeared there.


The crowd was frightened

Fast, it ran away

The triumphant magician

Laughed for a day.


After a day, he shrank

To normal again he became

“I scared them!

I am the greatest magician!” he did exclaim.

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